Ophion monticola Cameron, 1886:292, ♀. ♀, Guatemala, Las Mercedes 3000 feet, San Isidro 1600 feet (leg. Champion); Morley, 1912Morley, C. 1912. A revision of the Ichneumonidae based on the collection in the British Museum (Natural History) Part I: Tribes Ophionides and Metopiides. British Museum, London, England. 1-88.:35, Type (British Museum); Gauld, 1988Gauld, I.D. 1988. A survey of the Ophioninae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) of tropical Mesoamerica with special reference to the fauna of Costa Rica. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) 57 (1):1-309.:233, Lectotype ♀, examined (British Museum (Natural History)). - Cameron, 1883-1888Cameron, P. 1883-1888. Biologia Centrali-Americana - Insecta. Hymenoptera. (Families Tenthredinidae-Chrysididae). Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. 487 pp., 20 pl.:292 (listed); Morley, 1912Morley, C. 1912. A revision of the Ichneumonidae based on the collection in the British Museum (Natural History) Part I: Tribes Ophionides and Metopiides. British Museum, London, England. 1-88. (distribution), 35 ( listed as synonym of Henicospilus nigricornis (Brullé, 1846)). - As Enicospilus monticola: - Hooker, 1912Hooker, C.W. 1912. The Ichneumon flies of America belonging to the tribe Ophionini. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 38 (1):1-176. (distribution); Gauld, 1988Gauld, I.D. 1988. A survey of the Ophioninae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) of tropical Mesoamerica with special reference to the fauna of Costa Rica. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) 57 (1):1-309. (distribution); Ruíz-Cancino et al., 2002Ruíz-Cancino, E., D.R. Kasparyan & J.M. Coronado Blanco 2002. Ichneumonidae. In: Llorente Bousquets, J. & J.J. Morrone (Ed.). Biodiversidad, taxonomía y biogeografía de artrópodos de México: Hacia una síntesis de su conocimiento, volumen III. 631-646. (distribution); Ruíz-Cancino & Coronado-Blanco, 2002Ruíz-Cancino, E. & J.M. Coronado-Blanco 2002. Artrópodos terrestres de los estados de Tamaulipas y Nuevo León, México. Serie Publicaciones Cientificas No. 4:1-376. (distribution); Perez-Gelabert, 2008Perez-Gelabert, D.E. 2008. Arthropods of Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti): A checklist and bibliography. Zootaxa 1831:1-530. (distribution); Rodríguez-Berrío et al., 2009Rodríguez-Berrío, A. S. Bordera & I. Sääksjärvi 2009. Checklist of Peruvian Ichneumonidae (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Zootaxa 2303:1-4. (distribution); Ruíz-Cancino et al., 2010Ruíz-Cancino, E., D.R. Kasparyan, J.M. Coronado-Blanco, S.N. Myartseva, V.A. Trjapitzin, S.G. Hernández Aguilar & J. García Jiménez 2010. Himenópteros de la Reserva “El Cielo”, Tamaulipas, México. Dugesiana 17 (1):53-71. (distribution); Ruíz-Cancino et al., 2011Ruíz-Cancino, E., S.G. Hernández-Aguilar, J.M. Coronado-Blanco, A.I. Khalaim & D.R. Kasparyan 2011. Ophioninae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) en el Museo de Insectos de la Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, México. Entomología mexicana 10:714-718. (distribution); Sánchez-García et al., 2015Sánchez-García, J.A., R.Jarquín-López, L. Martínez-Martínez, J.M. Coronado-Blanco & E. Ruíz-Cancino 2015. Ichneumonoidea (Hymenoptera) del estado de Oaxaca, México. Entomología mexicana 2:823-829. (distribution); Perez-Gelabert, 2020Perez-Gelabert, D.E. 2020. Checklist, bibliography and quantitative data of the arthropods of Hispaniola. Zootaxa 4749:1-668. (distribution). - As Henicospilus monticola: - Dalla Torre, 1901-1902Dalla Torre, C.G. 1901-1902. Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. — Volumen III: Trigonalidae, Megalyridae, Stephanidae, Ichneumonidae, Agriotypidae, Evaniidae, Pelecinidae. Pars II. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig. VIII + 1141. (distribution).
Henicospilus fuscipennis Szépligeti, 1906:147, ♀.Brasilien: Blumenau; Bolivien: Mapiri (Ungarische National-Museum); Hooker, 1912Hooker, C.W. 1912. The Ichneumon flies of America belonging to the tribe Ophionini. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 38 (1):1-176.:59, Type ♀ (Hungarian National Museum); Gauld, 1988Gauld, I.D. 1988. A survey of the Ophioninae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) of tropical Mesoamerica with special reference to the fauna of Costa Rica. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) 57 (1):1-309.:233, Lectotype ♀, examined (Természettudományi Muzeum, Budapest, Hungary). Synonymized with Enicospilus monticola (Cameron, 1886) by Gauld, 1988Gauld, I.D. 1988. A survey of the Ophioninae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) of tropical Mesoamerica with special reference to the fauna of Costa Rica. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) 57 (1):1-309.:233. - Szépligeti, 1906Szépligeti, V. 1906. Neue exotische Ichneumoniden aus der Sammlung des Ungarischen National-Museums. Annales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 4:119-156. (distribution); Rodríguez-Berrío et al., 2009Rodríguez-Berrío, A. S. Bordera & I. Sääksjärvi 2009. Checklist of Peruvian Ichneumonidae (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Zootaxa 2303:1-4.:29 ( listed as synonym of Enicospilus monticola (Cameron, 1886)). - As Enicospilus fuscipennis: - Hooker, 1912Hooker, C.W. 1912. The Ichneumon flies of America belonging to the tribe Ophionini. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 38 (1):1-176. (distribution); Carrasco, 1972Carrasco, F. 1972. Catálogo de la familia Ichneumonidae Peruanos. Revista Peruana de Entomología 15 (2):324-332. (distribution).
Henicospilus elegans Szépligeti, 1906:146, ♀.Brasilien: Blumenau (Ungarische National-Museum); Gauld, 1988Gauld, I.D. 1988. A survey of the Ophioninae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) of tropical Mesoamerica with special reference to the fauna of Costa Rica. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) 57 (1):1-309.:233, Lectotype ♀, examined (Természettudományi Muzeum, Budapest, Hungary). Synonymized with Enicospilus monticola (Cameron, 1886) by Gauld, 1988Gauld, I.D. 1988. A survey of the Ophioninae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) of tropical Mesoamerica with special reference to the fauna of Costa Rica. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) 57 (1):1-309.:233. - Rodríguez-Berrío et al., 2009Rodríguez-Berrío, A. S. Bordera & I. Sääksjärvi 2009. Checklist of Peruvian Ichneumonidae (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Zootaxa 2303:1-4.:28 ( listed as synonym of Enicospilus monticola (Cameron, 1886)).
Henicospilus antomelas Enderlein, 1921:35, ♀. Holotype ♀, Columbien, Rio Magdalena (Stettiner Zoologische Museum, leg. E. Pehlke); Gauld, 1988Gauld, I.D. 1988. A survey of the Ophioninae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) of tropical Mesoamerica with special reference to the fauna of Costa Rica. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) 57 (1):1-309.:233, Holotype ♀, examined (Instytut Zoologiczny, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warsaw, Poland). Synonymized with Enicospilus monticola (Cameron, 1886) by Gauld, 1988Gauld, I.D. 1988. A survey of the Ophioninae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) of tropical Mesoamerica with special reference to the fauna of Costa Rica. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) 57 (1):1-309.:233. - Rodríguez-Berrío et al., 2009Rodríguez-Berrío, A. S. Bordera & I. Sääksjärvi 2009. Checklist of Peruvian Ichneumonidae (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Zootaxa 2303:1-4.:29 ( listed as synonym of Enicospilus monticola (Cameron, 1886)).